I’ve been a nervous person since childhood, but after marriage and three children, my nervousness became an obsession and I thought I had become the victim of a serious disease. This obsession caused fear, anxiety and continuous panic. I became preoccupied with these inner agonies while trying to lead a normal life with my family, but I couldn’t lead a normal life. I couldn’t go to a restaurant, church, the theater or any other public place. Shopping was an ordeal and going to the hairdresser or visiting a neighbor became impossible. I knew panic would strike once I arrived. I was ashamed to let my family take over my life, and for 13 years, I lived mostly in despair.
Recovery International literally saved my life. It has restored me to a level of mental health in which I can bear discomfort and do what I fear. Recovery International has also given me self-confidence and pride, especially when I compare my present life to my former years of helplessness and hopelessness. Thanks to Recovery International, I’ve returned to school and have earned a degree. And for someone who couldn’t bear a public place that is miraculous.
Evelyn Luscher